Unlock the Power of Down Payment Assistance with Krista Klause and Her Team!

by Krista Klause

Did you know almost 80% of first-time homebuyers qualify for down payment assistance, but only 13% take advantage of it? 😲 If you're looking to buy a home, this is a game-changer you need to know about!

Maximize Your Down Payment Potential 💪

As a first-time buyer, there are so many resources available to help you reach your goal faster! From loan options that require as little as 3% down, or even 0% for Veterans, to grants and assistance programs that can cover some (or all!) of your down payment, the possibilities are endless. 💰

By exploring these options with a trusted lender, you could boost your down payment, which means a lower monthly mortgage payment and the chance to avoid or reduce extra costs like private mortgage insurance. 💸 Why leave money on the table?

Don't Be Scared by Rising Down Payment Headlines! 😅

You might have seen headlines about rising down payments, but don’t worry! That doesn’t mean down payment requirements are going up. The average down payment is increasing because some buyers are putting more down to reduce their monthly payments, especially homeowners who are using their equity to buy their next home. So, first-time buyers—there’s no need to panic!

Bottom Line:

There’s help out there! 💡 Talk to Krista Klause and her team today to explore your options, connect with a trusted lender, and find out how you can take advantage of down payment assistance. Let’s get you into your dream home faster! 😊🏡


Krista Klause

Agent | License ID: 702198

+1(210) 284-8162

